If you know me personally, or have been reading my articles, then you know how much I hate Facebook. I hate what it is, what it stands for, and how it’s now a cesspool for hate speech and misinformation campaigns. Heck, foreign governments have recognized the power Facebook has over the common folk and have been leveraging this for years against the American people.
Well, the collective bad news in Facebook’s earnings call prompted a more than 20% drop in Facebook’s stock price, causing the company to loose more than $200,000,000,000 dollars in value. Yes, you read that number right, Two Hundred Billion Dollars.
For the first time, Facebook saw a decline in daily users. They lost nearly a million users in North America. This is great, because this means a million people was finally fed up with the garbage that FB was forcing down their throat. Along with people waking up, another contributing factor is that the younger generation doesn’t want to use facebook. When I asked my daughter what she thought about facebook, she says, “Facebook is for old people”. She’s 15.
Investors are loosing confidence.
The apps that Meta has right now, that being Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, arn’t bringing in new users at a pace that gives investors confidence. For big businesses, if your not growing, then you are effectively dying. You need growth quarter after quarter and year over year, to demonstrate value to investors because they are looking for a return from their investments, which makes perfect sense. All this means finding new ways to expand. This usually means expanding their presence to foreign countries. Those users are untapped income to big businesses like Meta (Facebook).

A Plea To All Humanity
If you havn’t stopped using Facebook yet, please, do it for yourself. Do it for your neighbor. Remember, as long as you use facebook, you truly have no privacy. And lets be real here. Facebook the company doesn’t care about your well being. All they see you as, is a person to force-feed advertisements to and make money from it. Lets send a message to those who choose to use facebook as a weapon of misinformation. Not everyone is bright. And there are alot of stupid people in the US who believe everything they read without question. Stop using Facebook for them. If we take away the weapon the king of the north is using against people to spread hate and violence, that hole left in people’s lives from when they used facebook can instead be filled with something positive.